This page is to provide access to weekly Manna text booklets for the year 2025.
In the past similar booklets have been published. The purpose has been to assist brethren in noting experiences throughout the year from which they could select to share with others at a weekly testimony meeting (as suggested by Brother Russell).
Br. Russell last suggested using the Thursday manna text for the following Wednesday night testimony meeting. This provided a full week of reflection upon one's own experiences with the thoughts of the selected Manna text and comments in mind. He also suggested an additional blessing could come from the fact that others would be thinking along the same lines throughout the week. Realizing that all may not have a Wednesday night testimony meeting, a booklet for each day of the week is provided below. An individual or a class could select the day of the week that works best for their particular meeting arrangements.
Each booklet is designed to be printed double sided (flip on the short edge), stapled in the middle and then folded in half. This requires a long stapler capable of reaching from the edge of the paper to the middle (5 1/2 inches). An alternative approach would be to cut the pages in half, put the two halfs together like a booklet and then staple once in the upper left hand corner or punch holes in the left hand margin to place the pages in a small day planner type of ringed binder.
Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday