25:14-30.-FEB. 10.-
“So, then, everyone of us shall give an account of himself before God.”-Rom.
IT WAS ON the way
from Jericho toward Jerusalem that our Lord gave the Parable of the Ten Pounds,
delivered one each to ten servants. (Luke 19:11,12. See our issue of Dec. 1.)
The Parable of the Talents which we are now considering is a different one in several
particulars, tho bearing close resemblance to the other. It was part of our
Lord’s teaching to his disciples during the few days preceding his crucifixion,
probably the Tuesday preceding it, on the evening journey from Jerusalem to
Bethany. This parable illustrates to us the differing abilities of God’s
people in respect to his service, and how each is accountable according to his
ability, and that the same results are neither required nor expected from all,
but simply faithfulness by each in the use of that ability and opportunity
which he possesses.
The Revised Version notes the fact that the words, “the Kingdom of
Heaven,” in the opening verse, are not found in the ancient MSS., but this does
not interfere with the thought that it is the Kingdom of Heaven in embryo (the
Church) that is discussed, and that is likened to these servants who receive
the talents; for this parable, it is to be remembered, followed immediately the
Parable of the Ten Virgins, which is declared to be an illustration of the
Kingdom. The Parable of the Talents, therefore, merely continues the thought
respecting the Kingdom class, making these fresh observations respecting it.
Altho a number of servants are implied, yet only a sample illustration of
three is given, leaving it to be inferred that the others were more or less
distinctly represented in these three, without attempting to show or to teach
which of the classes would predominate. In this respect also this parable
corresponds to the Parable of the Pounds. This parable was evidently, like the
other, to prepare the minds of the apostles for our Lord’s departure from the
present life-to the “far country,” heaven itself, there to appear in the
presence of God to present on behalf of mankind the sacrifice for sins which he
was about to accomplish at Calvary; and incidentally to be crowned, highly
exalted and honored far above angels, principalities and powers, at the right
hand of divine favor, and there to remain till the appointed time for him to
take possession of his Kingdom under the whole heavens, to subdue it and to
bring it into full accord with the divine government, that God’s will should be
done on earth as it is done in heaven.
The expression “far country,” would give the thought of a considerable time
to elapse between the Master’s leaving and his return to establish his
Millennial Kingdom. Meantime the apostles were to understand that they
themselves were his servants to whom he entrusted his property, and that he
would expect them to be faithful in guarding all of his interests and affairs,
and promoting the same according to their several abilities. But since the
parable covers the long period of eighteen hundred years, and looks down to
certain servants living at the time of the Master’s return, it is evident that
it was intended to include, not the apostles only, but, as our Lord’s prayer
expressed the matter, “All those who shall believe on me through their word.”
We are to notice distinctly that the parable does not concern the world; nor do
the decisions mentioned as taking place at the second coming of our Lord in any
sense of the word represent decisions respecting the world, but merely
decisions respecting the Church. Nor are we even to understand that the parable
includes the general “household of faith;” but simply and only the specially
consecrated servants of the Lord, to whom he has committed certain
responsibilities; viz., those only who have been begotten of the holy
In the early Church, following the Pentecostal outpouring of the holy
spirit, every consecrated believer received a gift or talent, and some received
many of these, as the Apostle says: “The manifestation of the spirit [a
portion, at least one talent] is given to every man [in this consecrated
Church] to profit withal.” Each had a responsibility in proportion as he had
talents or gifts of the spirit, and hence the Apostle Paul, having more than
the others, had a greater responsibility because he had greater opportunities;
and we judge that he measured up to these responsibilities in a manner most
acceptable to the Master. (1 Cor. 14:18.) But those gifts must have ceased
within a short time after the death of the Apostles, because we most clearly
find that the gifts of the spirit were imparted to believers only through the
laying on of hands of the apostles-that they did not come supernaturally from
God to every individual,-and that those who possessed the gifts themselves,
except the apostles, could not communicate them to others.-Acts 8:12-20.
The object of those gifts, as we have already seen, was the establishment
of the early Church, but with its establishment their necessity ceased, and
hence the gifts ceased in that form, and have since continued with the Lord’s
people in a very different form; that is to say, since then the natural
gifts or talents which each person possesses through birth, education and
training are reckoned, when he is consecrated to the Lord and accepted by him,
as being owned or possessed by the man’s new or holy spirit, and hence are reckoned
as talents or abilities committed to his care, and for the use of which he will
be held responsible in the outcome. If he remained one of the world he would
have other responsibilities, but no such as are implied in this lesson, which
represents only the responsibilities of the consecrated servants in the use of
their Master’s spiritual goods.
We may safely say that there are comparatively few five-talent servants
amongst the Lord’s people: the majority of the saints may safely be considered
as being of the one- and two-talent classes. There are not many five-talent
people in the world anyway, and it would appear that the world, the flesh and
the devil bid so high for the services of these few that the number of them to
become the Lord’s servants, and to make consecration of their five talents
fully and exclusively to his service, is comparatively small-“not many wise
after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble.”
The parable shows that five-talent people amongst the Lord’s servants are not
to measure themselves with others and to say, I have done enough; certainly
more than A., who has one talent, but as much as B., who has two talents.
Rather, each disciple is to seek to know truthfully just what talents of
natural ability and opportunity the Master has committed to his care, and to
seek to use everyone of these as fully, as thoroughly and as constantly as
possible, so that the results may be much fruit, much praise, much service,
much honor to the Lord. And as this parable should be a check upon those
servants who have five talents, to hinder them from taking a slothful view of
the matter so it should also be an encouragement to those having fewer talents
of ability and opportunity, showing them that the Lord will not expect as great
things from them as he would expect from those having greater opportunities and
greater natural talents. It teaches such that they should do with their might
what their hands find to do, and realize that this reasonable service is what
the Lord expects and what he proposed to reward in each. The servant who had
only one talent of ability and opportunity should have felt equally his
responsibility, and might equally have had the Master’s approval had he been
faithful, in which event, no doubt, his one talent would have increased to two.
Our Lord’s arrangement of the parable, that the person who received the
one talent was the one who digged in the earth and buried it, should not be
understood to mean that the one-talented people are more likely than others of
the Lord’s servants with more talents to thus neglect and misuse them. So far
as observation teaches, we might conclude that proportionately as many of the
two-talented and five-talented dig in the earth and hide their talents, as of
those who possess only one; and of course their so doing would be
proportionately more blameworthy than that of the one-talented man. Why, then, is the one-talented man chosen as an illustration of these
talent-burials? We answer, that it is to show
the responsibility of those who have least-that the Lord expects even the least
of his consecrated people to know of, and to use the talents he has in his
possession, and that he will not hold guiltless even those who have the
smallest ability to serve him and his brethren and his truth and who
neglect to use it. As the responsibilities
accompanying a larger number of talents would be greater, so the losses in
their case would be greater, and thus the punishment more severe.
“After a long time the lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with
them.” By these words our Lord gave to the disciples as clear an intimation as
was proper of the fact that they were not to expect him to return and reckon
with them in a very few days, a few months or a few years; but when they subsequently
asked him respecting the particular time, he refused them, saying that it was
not for them to know the times and the seasons, which the Father had put in his
own power. And so for eighteen hundred years the Lord’s people have been left
without clear information on this subject. This, however, does not militate
against the thought that it is the privilege of God’s people now to know
something of the times and seasons, because the due time has come in which the
Father wishes to communicate these;-the time mentioned through the Prophet
Daniel, when the [truly] wise shall understand, as we saw in the preceding
lesson.-Dan. 12:10; 1 Thess. 5:4; John 16:13.
There is no intimation in the parable that the disciples would die and go
to their Lord, and be reckoned with and rewarded then, as many believe to
have been the case. The Scriptures are harmonious and consistent with
themselves in their teachings, and not only declare that “David is not ascended
into the heavens,” and that “no man hath ascended up to heaven” save Jesus, but
they declare also that our Lord will come a second time, to receive his
people unto himself and to then reward them. The Apostle Paul, who was one of
these five-talented servants, declares respecting himself, “I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my course; I have kept the faith. Henceforth there
is laid up for me [in reservation, in waiting] a crown of righteousness which
the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me in that day, and not to me
only, but also unto all them that love his appearing.”-2 Tim. 4:7,8; John 3:13;
14:3; Acts 2:34.
To our understanding we are now living in “the days of the Son of Man,”
and he is now reckoning with his servants in this the day of his revelation.
We understand, according to the Scriptures, by faith and not by sight, that the
reckoning was to begin with those servants who had fallen asleep, and that “we
who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord” should not prevent or
hinder them, nor take precedence to them in this matter of being reckoned with
and rewarded. (1 Thess. 4:15-17.) To our understanding, as already shown in
the MILLENNIAL DAWN series, 1878 marked the date for our Lord’s assumption of
Kingly authority and his judgment upon Babylon the Great, characterizing her as
“fallen,” and calling for all the people of God to come out of her: and that it
marked also the date for the faithful overcomers of the past to have a share in
the first resurrection-to enter into the joys of their Lord, and hear his
words, “Well done, good and faithful servants.” In harmony with this, it is
our understanding that all of this class are now enjoying the glory, honor and
immortality promised to the faithful. This work of judging the servants
is totally distinct from the judging of the world-the world’s judgment
is very different everyway, and is to take place during the Millennial age, and
is represented in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, the scene of which is
located “when the Son of Man shall sit upon the throne of his glory,” at which
time the faithful servants of the present age, whose trial is now in progress,
and whose reckoning and rewards are shown in the parable of the lesson, will
sit with the Lord in his throne as he has promised.-Rev. 3:21.
As other Scriptures show, “we who are alive and remain unto the presence
of the Lord” will not be omitted from the company of the glorified, altho our
being alive will not give us precedence to them. The inspection and rewarding
of the Lord’s servants having begun in 1878 as respects those that had fallen
asleep, is since progressing in respect to those who remain: these are granted
a reasonable time in which to finish up their contract of full consecration,-to
become ripe “wheat”-and to render up their accounts. Each of the elect
now, as he finishes his course, reports immediately, and does not need to
“sleep” in death, to wait for the coming of the King, but is immediately, in
the moment of death, changed, “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,”
experiencing fully and instantly the first resurrection blessing of glory,
honor and immortality-in the moment of death.
Realizing from this view of the parable that the Lord’s people of today
are represented in it, it is for each one of the consecrated (while yet it is
called day -before the night cometh) to make a full and thorough inspection of
himself: and to determine to what extent he has talents, abilities, privileges,
opportunities, to serve the Lord, and to what extent he is using these; and to
remember that his share in the reward depends upon his faithfulness in the use
of his talents. There may be instances in which persons of five talents will
use three of them faithfully in the Lord’s service, and bury the other two in
business and cares of this life-“in the earth,” in earthly affairs. There may
be instances in which those who have two talents use one for the Lord’s service
and bury the other one; but the fact that our Lord does not give such
illustrations would lead us to question the probability of such a course. Some
might plan certain things respecting two talents for heavenly things and
three for earthly things; or of one for earthly things and the other for
heavenly things; but the result probably would be either that he would become
thoroughly immersed in the earthly things, and bury all his talents there, or
else that his heart would become so thoroughly infused with the Lord’s spirit
and the desire to serve his cause that all of his talents would be thus
employed. This tendency and result is implied by our Lord’s statement on
another occasion: “Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.” “No
man can serve two masters.” Experience and
observation corroborate this; and hence as a rule we find that people are
either cold or hot in spiritual things; either it is the Kingdom of
heaven first and far above all other considerations, demanding and receiving
the very best we have of time, energy and influence; or else the Kingdom of
heaven is neglected and forgotten, and time and influence are spent in
money-getting or other selfish and earthly occupations of mind and body.
The lesson of this to every one of the Lord’s consecrated people is plain:
we are to “seek first [chiefly] the Kingdom of God.”
It is to be our chief concern and to receive from us all the time, attention,
thought, energy, influence and means we have-the things needful for the
present life being understood to be excepted; and our love and zeal will be
manifested by the proportion of these even, which we are willing to sacrifice
in the interest of heavenly things.
The reward given to the faithful servants was the same in each
case-the entering into the joys of the Lord; and we may reasonably understand
that this will mean that the cup of joy to each will be full. In this, too, we
have a great encouragement for all, and one which perhaps is specially needed
by the majority of the Lord’s servants, who possess only one or two talents of
opportunity, etc. They have an equally good opportunity of entering into the
joys of the Lord as tho they had five or ten talents; and the reward, “Well
done, good and faithful servant,” will be truly meant for, and as fully
appreciated by the one as the other.
The reward to these servants is in full harmony with the foregoing
application of the parable, and shows that during the Millennial age the
faithful servants, the “elect” of this Gospel age, will be the rulers of the
world, “joint-heirs with Jesus Christ their Lord” in his Kingdom, and upon his
throne of rulership; for the reward specifies, “Thou has been faithful over a
few things; I will make thee ruler over many things.” If the parable
were intended to represent the world’s judgment, such a conclusion would be
inappropriate, because by the time the world’s judgment will have ended there
will no longer be necessity for rulership in this sense; for, as the Apostle
declares, Christ shall reign [during the Millennium] until he shall have put
down all authority, etc., and then he shall deliver up the Kingdom to God, even
the Father. The rule, or reign of righteousness, the Mediatorial
Kingdom, is to be established during the Millennial age,-thus to overthrow the
rule of unrighteousness now prevailing amongst men, and to lift mankind in
general out of the present condition of sin and death-to deliver as many of them
as will accept the deliverance from the power of Satan into the liberty of sons
of God. And with the accomplishment of this work the time for all such ruling
will be at an end; hence this parable is a strong lesson in support of the
pre-millennial coming of our Lord and exaltation of his faithful, the elect
The servant who hid his talent in the earth, and who failed to use it,
endeavored to justify his course by blaming the Master with being too hard and
exacting. And so it is with many, who, having taken upon themselves the vows of
consecration to the Lord, subsequently fail to perform them. They are disposed
to blame the Lord rather than to blame themselves; and this course indicates
what their real lack is,-Love. They do not love the Lord fully, truly,
sufficiently, and their course reveals this fact. Had they loved him they
would have delighted to do to their ability his will; and only such are blessed
with rewards.
The punishment of those who failed to perform their covenant as servants, who
failed to use the talents provided for them under this covenant, is shown to be
great loss;-but not the loss which many suppose, whose minds are blinded by the
theory that eternal torment is the wages for sin, and that it is visited upon
all except the “overcomers” of this Gospel age. Such claim that the unfaithful
servant would be delivered over to Satan and be tortured in flaming fire, and
so blind are many of the advocates of this theory that they read all this into
our Lord’s statement in this very parable; but instead of mentioning flames of
fire, which would surely make the place light, our Lord mentions darkness
as his portion-“outer darkness.” Neither does our Lord mention the
demon-tormentors, generally believed in.
We offer another and much more reasonable, much more consistent,
interpretation of our Lord’s words. The servant who fails to use present
privileges of consecration and service and sacrifice will find the opportunity
taken from him. He will have it no more; neither will he have any share in the
reward given to the overcomers;-he will suffer this great loss. He is
represented as going into “outer darkness,” implying that he had already been
in the light of divine favor, blessing, privilege, knowledge of divine
things;-that he would lose this enlightenment, and that his understanding would
become darkened as respects spiritual things. It is “outer darkness,” because
it is the darkness common to and resting upon the whole world of mankind;-only
the consecrated, accepted of the Lord, being permitted to come fully into the
clear light of the knowledge of the Lord and of his plan now shining. Any
others than these, upon whom this light may temporarily fall, have it only in a
secondary sense, at very most, and see not the glorious things themselves, but
merely, so to speak, their reflections. The unfaithful servant is to be cast
completely out of all favor; even the reflected light will be obscured from his
vision, and he will find himself, now or shortly, in the darkness of the world as
respects the divine plan, work, etc. And there he will share with the world in
its great time of trouble with which this age is about to close, a time of
trouble which is fittingly pictured in the parable by the weeping and gnashing
of teeth.